Monday, 1 August 2016

All those beautiful memories

At some point of our life, we will miss all those memories that once we made before, every moments of hardship, friendship, happyness, sadness, and fustration..
at that time, we realised, how fast the time fly beyond our own will...and how desperately we wanna be back again...
every second that passes now, will be our memory for the future...yes..i realised that..and how valueable it is...each n every one of them.
And each n every one of them...will remain here...till the end of our life..

Monday, 18 July 2016

Syawal, month of tighten the loose.

it is a norm when it comes to a celebration, we came over to visit some relatives n friends, some are just besides us n others far far away.

But this is the special of month of syawal especially in malaysia, we always visit n come to houses even in a large group just to have a visit. N even more, to eat what have been cooked, hehe.

Moreover, there are always an open houses, invitation for a visit and also many many wedding event that been held on this month. N all of it, the main attraction eat what have been served.

Actually, its irony becoz we have fasted for a month before, and get loose a couple of weight becoz of that (its a good thing though), but when its come to syawal, everybody will increase their weight (but not all, yes, have to admit it).

And worst, their weight increase are far more than what they've technicaly they are fatter..hahaha..

Well, its a joy for visiting friends n relatives that are long gone, some of them are working far, have a family n busy with their work and its a good things to tighten the relationship n ukhuwah that are easily broken nowadays.

Although we need to pay with the price of our body weight? Come on!! we always defeated when it comes to lemang and ketupat with some rendang and sambal kacang, hehe, thats a lot of consideration to make, haha. And its not good thing to waste becoz wasting is the devil favourite (peoples reason to eat much :p )

And in the end, exercises and playing badminton is a must to stay healthy and keep our body on right scale of BMI. And also dont forget to fast the 6 days of syawal, it will help (a bit) and also have a big rewards if you can made it.

Till my next post, adios and wassalam

Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Saat sukar

tatkala diri keseorangan, maka disitulah semuanya bakal terluah. perasaan marah, sakit hati, iri hati dan mcm2 lagi mudah terhambur keluar dr pekung yg tersimpan lama didada.

Ternyata bukan mudah untuk bersabar bila menghadapi kesusahan. Dan bukan juga mudah utk menerima  nasihat 'sabarlah min' dr org lain. Tapi, percayalah..sabar itu indah...dlm seganap aspek dlm kehidupan kita.

Pertama, perbanyakkanlah beristighfar. Dgn istighfar itu akn memadamkan dosa2 yg telah lalu lantas membantu kite utk melihat dgn lebih jelas lg dgn mata hati dan hikmah disebalik apa yg berlaku.

Kedua, tahan diri dari berkata dan fikir yang bukan2. Takut2 kita mudah menyalahkn tuhan dlm apa yg kita hadapi tanpa sedar.Dari Abu Hurairah bahwa Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,

مَنْ كَانَ يُؤْمِنُ بِاللَّهِ وَالْيَوْمِ اْلآخِرِ فَليَقُلْ خَيْرًا أَوْ لِيَصْمُت

“Barang siapa yang beriman kepada Allah dan Hari Akhirat maka hendaklah ia berkata baik atau hendaklah ia diam.” 

Ketiga, husnuzhon yakni bersangka baik. Bersangka baiklah pada Allah. kerna Allah tidak akn pernah menzalimi hambaNya dgn apa yg hamba itu tidak mampu bebani. Bersabar lah, kerna kite merancang, Allah juga merancang, dn Dia ada perancangan terbaik utk kita.

Kemudian sedikit demi sedikit, barulah kita akan redha dengan takdir yang ditentukan. dan mgkn kita bersyukur dgn ujian yg menimpa selepas bilamana kita mula nmpk hikmah-hikmah yg tersembunyi sblm nih.

Tiada yang tidak cantik kerana segalanya dalam aturan Allah. Ikhlaslah menerima sakit dan perit kerana disitu akan lahir suatu perasaan disayangi. Disayangi Allah dan Rasulnya. :')

Friday, 8 July 2016

Ujian sebenar

Ramadhan berakhir sudah, ia sudah pergi meninggalkan bagaimana kita? cmne dgn iman kita? Mampu x utk kita kekalkn pace yg same time ramadhan lps?

So, Something for us to think back, who r we actually? Hamba tuhan? Atau hamba ramadhan? hmmm

Cube cek blik amal kita..cek balik ibadah kita..cmne dgnnye? Adkh kita wat semata2 kerna utk memenuhi ramadhan? Ataupun kita mampu utk kekalkn niat kita utk tuhan n cube sedaya upaya utk istiqamah sesudah bulan pose?

Ada pepatah arab menyatakn: 

كن ربانيً ولا تكن رمضانيً

"Jdlah engkau hamba tuhan, n jgn jadi hamba ramadhan."

At first, mmg rs mcm, eleeehh, x punye lr, tp bile dh masuk syawal, ujian sbnr bermula utk menilai blik diri kita, sejauh mana ikhlas kita kerana Allah?

Mmg nmpk sukar, tp bkn mustahil. Cubelah utk istiqamah, walaupun sesukar mana pun. Bukankah usaha itu lebih bernilai disisi tuhan berbanding natijah? Hmmm 

Monday, 27 June 2016

Searching for true love

You are always there
I sunk into the world
You always stay perfect
I was unconscious as the time goes

If I were separated from You
the darkness will destroyed it all

Let me dead of trying,
for the sake of happiness,
Let me sore wounded,
so i can sense it,
Let my pulse stopped,
for the sake of the Heaven,
Let me forever searching
for my true love,

You are always there,
You never loss my trust,
You're will remain,
You're the light in the darkness,

and I realise, You are the one
Show me the way to the You,
You, the only one.

Thursday, 23 June 2016

Malu Je Rasa

وقليل من عبادي الشكور
"Dan sedikit dr hambaKu yg bersyukur"

Malu je rasa,
Pabila melihat manusia yg kurg upaya,
Mampu membuat ibadah lebih baik,
Sedangkan kita,
Yg cukup upayanya,
Tetapi selalu lari2 dr beramal soleh.

Malu je rasa,
Pabila melihat orang kurg pendapatannya,
Mampu sedeqah kebanyakkan drnya,
Sedangkan kita,
Selalu lokek dan berkira2 utk memberi.

Malu je rasa,
Pabila mereka yg kurg 'masa'nya,
Mampu curi2 masa utk membantu org lain,
Sedangkan kita,
Yg byk 'masa',
Hanya melihat dan memberi alasan.

Malu je rasa,
Pabila melihat org yg kurg sifat fizikalnya,
Tapi tggi akhlaq dan imannya,
Sedangkan kita,
Cukup sifat fizikalnya,
Tp rendah akhlaq dan iman kita.

Ya Allah,
Ampunilah kami,
Diatas segala kelemahan kami,
Diatas 'kurang'nya syukur kami pd setiap pemberianMu,
Diatas lalainya kami pd tugas kami sbg hambaMu.

Friday, 10 June 2016

Kurangnya ia, maka hancurlah diri.

 Ia mempunyai banyak maksud, n antaranya adlh takut, gerun. Mksd lainnya pula adlh taat akn perintah Allah, berhati-hati, dan menyucikn diri dr dosa.

Persamaan perkataan taqwa dengan sikap berhati-hati pernah terungkap didlm perbualan antara Umah al-khattab dgn ubay bin ka'ab dimana ubay bertanyakn kpd Umar tentang makna taqwa. umar menjawab dgn persoalan baru "pernahkah engkau berjalan ditempat penuh duri? Ya, pernah, jwb uaby. "Apa yg engkau lakukan?" Tnye Umar kembali. Tentu aku sgt berhati-hati melaluinya." Jawab ubay. "Itulah yg dinamakan taqwa" tegas Umar.

Jadi, cmne taqwa kita?

nmpk mcm ssh nk detect bnde ni dlm diri, tp sebenarnya xde ler ssh sgt, sbg contoh bole lihat dr contoh2 nih:
1. bile kita tggl solat dgn sengaja
2. kalo kite menipu org yg kita syg
3. bile kita maki org dgn perkataan yg x sepatutnya.

bile kita dh buat either one diatas, apa kita rasa? bersalah x? atau xde rasa pape sbb dh biase?
bile kita gagal utk rasa apa2 kesalahan atau menyesal dgn apa yg kita buat seperti contoh2 diatas, sebenarnya kita ada masalah dgn hati kita. Mana rasa  taqwa or takut pd tuhan dlm diri bile kita buat bnde diatas especially yg berkaitan solat, tiang agama kita.

Jd kalo taqwa dh xde, cmne kehidupan kita? Bile x malu, x takut buat kejahatan, maksiat, n fasad.
Lg2 bile kita hidup di akhir zmn nih..terlalu byk kefasadan berlaku sekeliling kita. Manusia kini hilang prtimbangan dlm kehidupan. Terlalu byk perkara2 syubhah berlaku smpi kita pun x mampu nk bezakn.

Tp wateva happen, islam ttp optimis, ttp suruh kita utk tnm buah tamar yg ada di tgn walaupun kita nmpk kiamat tuh berlaku dpn kita. Masih berusaha utk berbekal buat kebaikan walaupun masa utk beramal hampir tamat

Akhir kalam, jom same2 tingkatkn taqwa selagi masih berbaki masa, lg2 tgh ramadhan nih, lets grab the chances while we can, Allah berfirman dlm kitabnya:

وتزود فان خير زاد التقوى
"Berbekallah, sesungguhnya sebaik-baik bekalan adlh taqwa" (2:197)

Monday, 6 June 2016

Jom lumba jom! Hehe


Tetamu agung telah tiba, & the race has just begun, its time utk kita terus laju dlm beribadah. Dlm perlumbaan mengejar cinta n redhaNya. 

Bulan yg diberkati, terlalu byk peristiwa kemenangan islam yg berlaku dlm bln ini. Peristiwa penurunan alquran juga berlaku pd bln ini spt mana yg diceritakn oleh Allah dlm KitabNya.

Bln ini juga adlah bulan yg sgt bertuah kpd sesape yg menghargai nya, x kira mereka yg baik mahupun kurg baik, kerna buln ini, pintu syurga dibuka seluas2nya, maka org2 yg baik dpt berusaha kearahnya. Dan pintu neraka ditutup serapat2nya, maka org yg kurg baik dpt bersungguh2 bertaubat diatas salah silap mereka

Bln yg penuh rahmah, dimana manusia bersama2 merasakn susahnya menjadi org yg kurg bernasib baik. Dimana manusia beramai2 memberi apa yg mereka ada, apa yg mereka mampu berikn kpd saudara2 seislam mereka.

Tp perlu diingatkn..selepas kite berusaha utk buat yg terbaik pd bulan ramadhan nih, kite sebnrnye hamba siapa ye? Hamba ramadhan ataupun hamba Allah. Sama-sama pasang niat utk berubah agar amalan kita berterusan sehingga akhir hayat kita, bukankah itu lebih baik, istiqamah dlm amalan2 kita? Jadikan ramadhan ini sbg batu loncatan atau 'stepping stone' kita utk menjadi lebih baik pd masa akn dtg. InsyaAllah.

Akhir kalam, buatlah amal yg terbaik, lebih baik dari tahun sblmnya. Kalo dh mula dgn amal yg byk, consistentkn smpi akhir ramadhan, kalo br nk mula, blom terlmbt lg, cube utk tingkatkn ckit2, spy nnt dh akhir ramadhan nnt kita puas hati dgn usaha kita. Semoga akhirnya nnt kita dpt pengakhiran yg terbaik.

Sunday, 22 May 2016

A reflection for self motivatin

Its a deep advice i've got from a jumaah sermon while im in egypt long ago, when the imam said:

اذا تراك قراء القراءن بالدقيقة، وانتم تركه بالساعة،
اذا تركه بالساعة، وانتم تركه باليوم،
اذا تركه باليوم، وانتم تركه بالشهر،
اذا تركه بالشمس، وانتم تركه بالسنة،
اذا تراكه بالسنة، وانتم تركه حتئئ الموت

"When you leave the quran from your reading for a minute, then you'll leave it for an hour,
Then if you leave it for an hour, you'll leave it for a day,
If you leave it for a day, you'll leave it for a week,
If you keave it for a week, you'll leave it for a month,
If you leave it for a month, you'll leave it for a year,
And if you leave it for a year, you'll forgot it for the whole of your life."

When i heard this, it comes to me like a lightning that pierce deep into my heart. It made me thinking, how are my day today? Have i read the quran? How many pages that i've read and how many left to read?

It just came like someone are telling me what to do, what have i forgot. Allahu, i've almost cried at the end of that He always remind us so many things, but we are always forgotten. We forgot about Him, we forgot about what we must do, forgot about the purpose that have been assign to us.

" And i did not create the jinn n mankind except to worship me" (51:56)

After that incident, i've always remind myself 'Have you read the quran today?' (Although i've always fail to do so, hehe) but i've tried. But its not to complicated if you ask your friends to help. Its a good deeds for you to remind your friends and in the same time or indirectly, its reminds you also. Plus, it will be more easier actually, to remind or help one another.

So, right now, im asking you, right now, this last sentences of mine, have you read the quran today?  ^_^

Monday, 16 May 2016

A step towards a Change in your life

'Ak nk berubah ler thun nih' , 'azam ak utk berubah sbb tettt' , dan byk lagi kata2 yg menyatakn keinginan utk berubah saban hari. Bila dh niat, maka mulalah lgkh2 ke arah perubahan yg baru dlm diri setiap insan. Tetapi, seperti biase, ada yg gagal..dn x kurg jgk yg berjaya merubah diri kearah yg diingini.

Maka dgn itu, kluar ler plak kata2 begini, 'ssh lah nk berubah', 'alah, kalo berubah pun dpt apa pun... ' xde org support', n mcm2 lagi. Begitu lah manusia, dulu, kini, n selamanya.

Memang, utk melakukn suatu perubahan itu susah, lagi2 bile kita nekad utk berubah kearah yg baik. Ada je halangan2 n gangguan2 yg perlu dilalui oleh org2 seperti ini. Sbb syaitan x pena putus asa utk menyesatkn ank adam dr mengikut apa yg diturunkn oleh tuhan. Mereka dengki dgn manusia yg tuhan jdikn sbg sebaik2 ciptaanNya.

And kdg2 bkn dr syaitan je, kite kne igt, Allah juga mahu uji hamba2Nya, which of them yg betul2 mahu, yg btul2 berusaha. Lgpun mmg kite diutuskn diatas muka bumi nih utk diuji, bukan? Smpikn kdg2 kita hampir2 berputus harap drNya.

JANGAN kawan, Allah berfirman dlm kitabNya yg agung:

"...dan janganlah kamu berputus asa dari rahmat serta pertolongan Allah. Sesungguhnya tidak berputus asa dari rahmat dan pertolongan Allah itu melainkan kaum yang kafir". (12:87)

Tp kawan, teruskn lah berubah walau apa pun terjadi. Kerna pabila anda berjaya, anda akn merasa nikmat yg teramat sgt, anda akn bersyukur sgt dgn apa yg tuhan bagi. Juga kerna setiap yg berlaku itu oenuh dgn hikmah2 yg tersembunyi. Fikirkn pengakhiran, insyaAllah jln2 yg dihadapi penuh liku ini akn jadi mudah sahaja. seperti org yg kehausan br pulang dr pdg pasir, bile terlihat je air,maka dia akn berusaha sedaya upaya utk mendptkn air tersebut walaupun disebelahnya org memberikn sedulang emas.

Carilah bi'ah atau suasana yg membantu kearah perubahan supaya lebih mudah utk kita. carilah kwn2 yg soleh dan solehah yg mampu membimbing kita, yg mampu menunjukkn contoh yg baik, mampu memberi nasihat tatkala kita tersilap mahupun tersalah lgkh, mampu mengingatkn kita ttg tuhan disaat kita hampir terjatuh, dan menjadi org yg menyokong kita pabila kita memerlukan.

Akhir kalam, there is nothing impossible until you really fail to try it. Try n try, and never forget to tawakal after you strived, never forget to prostrating, begged and cry to Him in the middle of the night when everyone is still asleep asking for His guidance, then insyaAllah, you will succeed.

credit to someone special. :)

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

May all of us have a nice flight again someday together.

It has been a while I've been back for good today from place that i can called it as my second home, Egypt. In Arabic they usually called it as ام الدنيا or the mother of the world. I've been there for so long made me realize how quickly time had passed. And today, I missed to be back there again.


Because in there, I've learnt so many things. Which includes how to appreciates about everything. About yourself, about your own friends, who will sit by your side and who will leave. About how people cannot be judge by their appearance, and also Happy and sad moment in all the things happened to me. 

And when this song came into the radio, I've just cant stop thinking about those precious moment. They're like my own Ohana. Being there when you need them and they need you. Doing all stuff together till the end through all hard and ease,thick and thin...miss the exams and suddenly having a wrong subjects to be answered, being scolded by lecturers for all the silent during oral test, sleep late for only playing games and watching movies together..and many many more.
But in the end, our journey need to be continued. And all of us need to depart for our own ways.

Suddenly tears streaming down my cheeks...hoping for all the joy would come back when we were there.. when we going for holidays together..laughed at each other..sometime for something stupid...made stupid things knowing the risk that might happened..well..its the best moment there...but deep my heart... I know... its never coming back.

It's been a long day without you my friend
And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
We've come a long way from where we began
Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again
When I see you again

All the planes we flew
Good things we've been through
That I'd be standing right here talking to you
'Bout another path
I know we loved to hit the road and laugh
But something told me that it wouldn't last
Had to switch up
Look at things different
See the bigger picture
Those were the days hard work forever pays
Now I see you in a better place
Uh, how could we not talk about family
When family's all that we got?
Everything I went through you were standing there by my side
And now you be gone with me for the last ride

First you both go out your way
And the vibe is feeling strong
And what's small turn to a friendship
A friendship turned into a bond
And that bond will never be broken
And the love will never get lost

And when brotherhood come first
Then the line will never be crossed
Established it on our own
When that line had to be drawn
And that line is what we reached
So remember me when I'm gone
How could we not talk about family

Why'd you have to leave so soon?
Why'd you have to go?
Why'd you have to leave me when I needed you the most?
'Cause I don't really know how to tell ya
Without feeling much worse
I know you're in a better place
But it's always gonna hurt

Carry on
Give me all the strength I need to carry on
How do I breathe without you
I'm feeling so cold
I'll be waiting right here for ya
Till the day you're home

Carry on
Give me all the strength I need to carry on
So let the light guide your way
Hold every memory as you go
And every road you take will always lead you home, home

Sunday, 1 May 2016

Ramadhan is coming again, yippee!

Its been a while when he leaves us, when he got to go and we celebrate syawal.
And today, its almost the end of rejab, the holy month of ramadhan, our best guest ever will come over about a month and few days more. But are we ready to have them?
Its a normal things to be ready when someone special came over and stay for a moment with us. So, why not we make a special preparation for also this 'special guest'?
Because it's the month full of barakah, full of rahmah. Some sahabah of the prophet felt so sad when it comes to its end. Some others hope n pray so that the holy month could be a year celebration, because they understand what it is all about.
Well, in that case, we should start our preparation now! NO TIME TO LOOSE! lets start our engine now by doing some ibadah that people usually do in ramadhan. Like start to fast every monday n thursday, start to wake up early in the morning for qiamullail although for only 2 rakaat, start to read the quran bits by bits (if you havent done it for years, but if you have, increase your reading!) And many other thing.
So, when the holy month come, we can start to accelerate at full speed to get the best in our ibadah. We can use the time wisely without wasting any second of it.
And as a friendly reminder, please commit the following Du’a to memory and make a habit of reciting it daily until the day of Ramdhan.
اللهم بارك لنا في رجب وشعبان وبلغنا رمضان
“O Allah, make the months of Rejab and Sha’ban blessed for us, and let us reach the month of Ramadhan.” [Musnad Ahmed]

Sunday, 24 April 2016

Roaming around Key-El

A car just park on the side of the road, near a girl wearing sexy outfit. The driver lowering the car window..and the conversation starts..

A: how much?
B: just eighty.
A: for a night?
B: yes.
A: wow, cheaper cannot ah?
B: thats cheap already meh.
A: okay,im parking okay?
B: okay (with a smile)

but the car wasn't even want to stop, just continuing the road of endless journey. Visiting other places that can make the same situation like before. On the road, the scenery are scary, dark, with some timid girl on the side of the road wearing almost-naked outfit. And worst, there are also some transvestite looking for client on the side of the road too (almost puke seeing how they dress). the value of people become soo cheap these days, plus, killing is just too normal. How money can buy people's loyalty easily...such a cruel world we live in.

How the world have grown soo old...while the inhabitant on it still on n ongoing made a huge destruction to it selfishly...directly and indirectly..

Monday, 11 April 2016

Mosque people?

For the last one month, I've started my work in a retail pharmacy. Like usual retail shop, the time to return home on a late night is like bread and butter.

As for tonight, I'm amazed by one of my neighbor who, sorry to say, we weren't so much known each other even his name. Haha. But what happened? As I'm entering the mosque door for prayer, he poke me and ask " wow, how have you been? Its been a long time not seeing you around." I just smile and say " yeah, I'm working right now, so, its hard to come by, haha"

Right after the prayer, I've been thinking about that event. Its simple, but take a deep feeling into my heart. Its about brother in aqidah (faith) are far stronger than brotherhood in bloodlines. How people can get to know each other or cared for one another and even have conversation like have known for a long time without any bloodlines relationship or any interest.

"المؤمن للمؤمن كالبنيان يشد بعضه بعضًا"
"Mukmins are like a building, each one of them are strengthen amongst others.

عَنْ النُّعْمَانِ بْنِ بَشِيرٍ قَالَ قَالَ رَسُولُ اللَّهِ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ:  مَثَلُ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ فِي تَوَادِّهِمْ وَتَرَاحُمِهِمْ 
 وَتَعَاطُفِهِمْ مَثَلُ الْجَسَدِ إِذَا اشْتَكَى مِنْهُ عُضْوٌ تَدَاعَى لَهُ سَائِرُ الْجَسَدِ بِالسَّهَرِ وَالْحُمَّى

from An-Nu’man ibn Basheer reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “The example of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever.
(Sahih Bukhari  and Muslim)

Well, that is our strength, but people nowadays cant see that. For them, a relationship is always based on something. Business, money, even things that they might have from someone. Its a sad thing but thats reality.

And above all, its hard but not impossible, to achieve that higher rank of friendship, cause our ancestors have done it, like in the story about ansar and muhajirin,l. How close they've become although they've just met each other. The kind of relationship that bring them to be the best of all people at that time.

Thursday, 7 April 2016

Harvest your farm (world) for your ending (akhirah)

In this world, there are many things to be catch-up, jobs, money, women, kids, all of it. But are we know that all of them are a test for us. A test of desires.

End of every month, people are going to ATM or  banks to check upon their salary, or what left of its. While its the time to cheers every free moment with the family..because 'Mr. Money' is still around.

Some people do good with their money by giving charity or even to help others in need or to make others happy. But some people takes granted of what they have.

Some people just couldn't get enough with what they have, they want more and more while regretting and questioned of what they have. Isn't it whats more important is that you feel satisfied with what you have and grateful for it from Allah, who always give you what you need better than what you want?

Allah have said in quran:

وإِذْ تَأَذَّنَ رَبُّكُمْ لَئِنْ شَكَرْتُمْ لأَزِيدَنَّكُم
وَلَئِنْ كَفَرْتُمْ إِنَّ عَذَابِي لَشَدِيد

'And remember when your Lord proclaimed: "if you are grateful, I will surely increase you (in favour), but if you thankless, indeed, my punishment is severe. "  (14:7)

But some people, they just cant, they doesnt care about anything besides money n their own desires.

If its hard for you to be grateful, try to find others that are unlucky like you, others that doesnt have anything unlike us. With that, you will br more grateful of what you have.

Well, there are other peoples, starving in other side of the world, starving to death, do we care? Do we think of them when we have everything and they have nothing. Especially our brothers and sisters in the middle of war, in Palestine, in Iraq, in Syria. Save some pity and give them what you have.

The truth about this world is, the more you take, the less you have. This world are only a mere test for us. Test for us to be grateful of what we have. Its not cruel to strive for the best to have dunya, but its cruel to strive only for it and lost for His mercy. And this world(dunya) are like a farm, we worked hard for it to have the fruit in the end(akhirah), not only for the joy of successful in the middle of a growing tree.

" Oo Allah, help me to put this dunya in my hand, not in my heart "

Friday, 25 March 2016

Susahnya perlu bersabar

Bersabarlah wahai insan,
Kerana hidup ini hampir seluruhnya perlukan kesabaran. Nikmat juga perlu kepada kesabaran. Apatah lagi bala mahupun ujian. InsyaAllah, Allah akn bg hikmah dlm setiap apa yg dia beri, baek mahupun tidak.

Tp smpi bile nk sabar nih?

Sabar lah, sabar lah, dan sabar lah..kerana sabar itu memerlukan masa. Sabar juga brmaksud bersabar dlm berikhtiar untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu itu. Kalo sabar je, xde usaha = useless. Contoh plg mudah, bile ibu mengandung, nk xnk perlu kesabaran selama 9 bln utk lahirkn anak.

Untuk dptkn sesuatu, kesabaran itu suatu yg mesti. Kerana untuk mendapatkan sesuatu itu memerlukn masa. Allah juga membuat alam ini dlm 6 hari, tetapi bukan nk tunjuk Allah tuh lemah, sbb Dia mampu je nk wat sume tuh dlm sekelip mata, tetapi nk tunjuk yg sifat sabar Allah itu. Bersabarnya tuhan itu kadang2 x terfikir oleh kita, bayangkn,didunia ini pun dh ramai manusia yg mengutuk Allah saban hari, tapi Dia masih lagi memberi masa, masih lagi memberi nikmat. 

Jadi, kita sebagai hambaNya yg beriman, yg mengikut jalan yg lurus dariNya, sudah semestinya sifat sabar itu perlu subur dalamjiwa sanubari kita. walau apa jua berlaku, susah mahupun senang, bala mahupun nikmat.

Mmg, kdg2 org yg x merasa itu x memahami apa yg dialami. Mmg, kdg2 nak memberi nasihat untuk bersabar itu tidak semudah scr praktikal terutamanya pabila sesuatu yg x elok itu berlaku kpd pemberi nasihat.

Kesimpulannya, kita sendiri kne ambil masa sejenak sblm buat apa2 tindakan, n bykkn bersangka baik dgn Allah dan org2 disekeliling kita, walaupun kita dlm keadaan marah. 

Selamat berjaya untuk bersabar! 

أَحَسِبَ النَّاسُ أَن يُتْرَكُوا أَن يَقُولُوا آمَنَّا وَهُمْ لَا يُفْتَنُونَ
"Apakah manusia mengira bahwa mereka akan dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan, "Kami telah beriman," sementara mereka tidak diuji lagi?"

Sunday, 20 March 2016


وَبَشِّرِ الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا وَعَمِلُوا الصَّالِحَاتِ أَنَّ لَهُمْ جَنَّاتٍ تَجْرِي مِنْ تَحْتِهَا الْأَنْهَارُ ۖ كُلَّمَا رُزِقُوا مِنْهَا مِنْ ثَمَرَةٍ رِزْقًا ۙ قَالُوا هَٰذَا الَّذِي رُزِقْنَا مِنْ قَبْلُ ۖ وَأُتُوا بِهِ مُتَشَابِهًا ۖ وَلَهُمْ فِيهَا أَزْوَاجٌ مُطَهَّرَةٌ ۖ وَهُمْ فِيهَا خَالِدُونَ

Dan sampaikanlah berita gembira kepada mereka yang beriman dan berbuat baik, bahwa bagi mereka disediakan surga-surga yang mengalir sungai-sungai di dalamnya. Setiap mereka diberi rezeki buah-buahan dalam surga-surga itu mereka mengatakan, "Inilah yang pernah diberikan kepada kami dahulu." Mereka diberi buah-buahan yang serupa dan untuk mereka di dalamnya ada istri-istri yang suci, dan mereka kekal di dalamnya. [Surat Al-Baqarah 25]

Best tak syurga nih? Beessttt sgtt, mesti rasa cm eskkn nk masuk syurga.
Tp nak masuk syurga ni, sebenarnya susaaahhh sangat...sebab apa ye?

Pertamanya, kne tingglkn maksiat yang kita wat. Ingat senang ke nk tgglkn maksiat? Ssh kut, sbb maksiat nih bnda yang best sangat bila wat. Kalau buat, memang senang, tp bila nak tinggal tuh, Allahuakbar, macam kne angkat gunung dr bahu sendiri. Tp kawan, sume tuh bkn mustahil, kita mula sikit-sikit, nnt lama-lama, insyaAllah bole. And bagi seorang muslim pun sebenarnya, meninggalkan kejahatan itu lebih diutamakan berbanding dr buat kebaikan. Tapi nih bukan lesen untuk bermalas-malasan biat kebaikan ye.

Keduanya nk kne  buat amal soleh. Umum tahu, nk laksanakn solat 5 waktu pun susah, belum kira nak jemaah lagi, awal waktu lagi. Benda2 sunat lagi ler..kemalasan tahap tertinggi. Tapi takpe, mula je buat dulu, walaupun kdg2 terpaksa, nnt lama2 insyaAllah, ikhlas tuh akan datang.

Pastu yg ketiganya plak, kne istiqamah plak, adoiii..nak buat pun susah, nih nak maintain, nangis wehh, haha. Sabar, n takpe, istiqamahlah walaupun sikit. Sbb amal sikit yg istiqamah adalah lebih baik dr amal banyak sekali sekala je.

Tapi bile dh istiqamah, ada plak rs riak, ujub, takbur, n sum'ah. Allaahu... takpe, buat aje dan cuba untuk jauhkan perasaan tuh. Kalau takut orang cakap, takpa, buat je, kita nk beribadah keranaNya, bukan kerana 'dia', yang penting niat kne jaga.

Kawan, memang kadang2 cakap senang, nak buat susah. Memang betul, tp kita kena ingat, Allah bukan x nak bagi senang2, boleh je, sbb bnde2 nih x bagi kedan langsung pun kat Dia, tp kenape? Sbb Dia nak uji. Mana hamba-hamba dia yg betul2 berusaha untuk buat kerna Dia. Dia nk kita rs puas lepas kita dh usaha sungguh2, sbb Dia janji, sape berusaha, pasti berjaya.

Dan kita kne ingat jugak, syaitan pun dengki dengan kita, diorg akan cuba sehabis mungkin untuk sesatkan kita, biar kita fikir sume susah, sebab dia nk kita masuk neraka dgn dia. Sampaikan diorg nih mintak tempoh kat Allah untuk hidup sampai hari kiamat untuk satu je, nak sesatkan cucu cicit adam nih, sbb apa? Sebab TAKBUR dan dengki dengan manusia yang Allah nak lantik sebagai khalifah di muka bumi nih.

Akhir kalam, jangan pernah berputus asa dari rahmat Allah, Allah berfirman dalam alquran:

"Wahai org2 yg beriman, mintalah pertolongan (dr Allah) dgn sabar n solat, sesungguhnya, Allah bersama org2 yg bersabar." (2:153)

till my next post. :)

Tuesday, 15 March 2016

When the rain falls...

Hujan, suatu rahmat tuhan yang sangat diperlukan, especially bile hari2 yg berlalu bukan main panaih, berdenting2 kepanasan nye. Tapi skali mendung tuh, ya Allah, sejuknye menyenangkn..hoho..lagi2 bila dapat mandi hujan mcm kat kampung2 dulu..dulu je ler, skang x dpt, hujan asid dah orang kata, bahaya..skali mandi hujan, esok dah rasa macam nk demam dah, haha..

Tetapi...perlu diingatkan....umat dahulu juga begitu, bila mendung, diorang rasa happy, tapi sebenarnya itu ler hari terakhir diorang, Allah turunkan bala ke atas mereka disebabkn kejahatan2 yang diorg buat. Bkn xde org baik dikalangan diorg, tp bilangan diorg ckit, dan kejahatan masih berleluasa dikalangan mereka.

X takut ke kita?

Dengan kejahatan yg berleluasa disekeliling kita? Dengan couple nye, dgn kecurian, rompakan, bunuh membunuh. Itu belum lg kire pelacuran yg semakin menjadi-jadi, anak luar nikah yg dicatatkn pula semakin meningkat, n itu tak termasuk sekali dengan bayi2 yang dibuang dimerata tempat.

Dari ‘Atha’ bin Abu Rabah r.a. katanya, dia mendengar Aisyah r.a., isteri Rasulullah SAW bercerita, "Bila angin bertiup kencang dan langit mendung berawan banyak, tampak kegelisahan di wajah Rasulullah SAW sehingga baginda maju mundur (berjalan mundar-mandir). Apabila hujan telah turun wajah baginda berubah menjadi gembira dan hilang kegelisahannya. Berkata Aisyah, "Aku bertanya kepada baginda, apa yang menyebabkan baginda gelisah sebegitu rupa." Jawab baginda, "Aku khuatir kalau-kalau angin dan mendung itu menjadi laknat yang ditimpakan kepada umatku. Tetapi bila hujan telah turun maka hal itu adalah rahmat." (Hadis riwayat Muslim)

Jadi, ambillah seberapa banyak pengajaran dari kisah2 mereka yang lalu, buatlah apa yang Allah suruh, tinggalkan apa yang Allah larang.
Dan mohonlah keampunan, beristighfar lah, di kala langit telah berubah gelap dengan tanda2 seperti nak hujan.

Dan bile hujan mula turun, ambillah sedikit masa untuk berdoa:

اللهم صيبا نافعا
Allahumma soyyiban nafi'a
"Ya Allah, jadikanlah hujan ini bermanfaat (buat kami)"

dan doa2 peribadi yang lain kerana waktu hujan adalah antara waktu yang mustajab untuk berdoa.

" Sedarkah kita bahawa air hujan yang turun ke bumi adalah limpahan rahmat yang diberikan oleh Allah SWT dan bukannya malapetaka. Rasullullah SAW ada berpesan kepada umatnya bahawa apabila hujan turun ke bumi, setiap doa daripada umatnya adalah mustajab."

Friday, 11 March 2016

I'm back!


Its a thing when you stop writing, you'll make your writing skill worst. When you wrote less, it is absolutely make your reading less too, well, sorry to say, its a harsh thing to be a habit for you.

Furthermore, some people didnt like to speak, but rather give a practical examples. And some didnt like to talk, but have their own way to give what they have in mind. So how some of these people express that? well..of course with writing. And suddenly im both, hehe.

finally, some say, when you want to be a cloud, be the cloud that cool the people below you from the hot sun of the day., be the cloud that pour its rain for people's good. :)

So, okay, this will be my first post for the year, hope it will not be my last, haha.

Till my next post, adios~ ;)

Credited to awan putih.