Sunday 11 December 2011

Khasiat Kurma, Kismis & Madu

insyaAllah, hari ni saya nak kongsikan tentang pemakanan - pemakanan yang disyorkn oleh nabi Muhammad SAW..


Sabda Rasulullah SAW: "Berilah makan buah kurma kepada isteri-isteri kamu yang hamil, kerana sekiranya wanita hamil itu memakan buah kurma, nescaya anak yang bakal dilahirkan itu menjadi anak yang penyabar, bersopan santun serta cerdas pemikirannya."

Adalah amat baik sekali jika puan mengamalkan memakan buah kurma semasa mengandung kerana ini akan memudahkan bersalin nanti. Semasa bayi dilahirkan, buah kurma juga dicalitkan sedikit di lelangit bayi.

Ingat tak kisah dimana Maryam hanya memakan buah kurma semasa melahirkan Nabi Isa AS.

Buah kurma tidak mengandungi gula yang membahayakan malah ia merupakan makanan Rasulullah SAW.

Puan janganlah risau kerana takut diserang kencing manis. Apa yang harus puan buat, makanan-makanan manis yang lain puan jauhkanlah.

Buah kurma tidak membahayakan kesihatan kerana ianya mengandungi banyak khasiat.


Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Rumah yang tidak ada kurma di dalamnya, akan menyebabkan penghuninya kurang sihat".

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Berilah makanan kurma pada wanita yang hamil sebelum dia melahirkan, sebab yang demikian itu akan menyebabkan anaknya menjadi seorang yang tabah dan bertaqwa (bersih hatinya)".

Abu Abdillah berkata: "Buah kurma adalah salah satu buah yang berasal dari syurga dan dapat mensirnakan pengaruh sihir".

Abu Abdillah berkata: "Orang yang memakan 7 buah kurma yang baik sebelum sarapan, maka pada hari itu dia tidak akan tertimpa racun, sihir dan tidak diganggu syaitan".

Imam Ja'far Ash-Shadiq berkata: "Barangsiapa memakan 7 buah kurma yang baik, maka cacing-cacing yang ada di perutnya akan mati".


Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa memakan kismis merah sebanyak 21 biji setiap hari sebelum sarapan pagi, maka dia tidak akan tertimpa penyakit kecuali kematian".

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Biasakanlah memakan kismis kerana kismis dapat menghilangkan kepahitan (empedu/cairan kuning), menghilangkan lendir, menyihatkan badan, membaguskan rupa, menguatkan saraf dan menghilangkan letih".

Imam Ali berkata: "Barangsiapa memakan 21 biji kismis merah, maka dia tidak akan melihat pada jasadnya suatu yang tidak disenangi".

Imam Ali berkata: "Kismis dapat menguatkan jantung, menghilangkan penyakit, menghilangkan panas dan memulihkan kesihatan jiwa".

Pada riwayat lain dari Abi Ja'far At-Thusi disebutkan bahawa kismis dapat menghilangkan lendir dan menyihatkan jiwa".


Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa minum madu setiap bulan dengan niat melakukan nasihat Al-Quran, maka Allah SWT akan menyembuhkannya dari 77 penyakit".

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Barangsiapa ingin memiliki hafalan yang kuat hendaklah dia meminum madu".

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Sebaik-baik minuman ialah madu kerana dia dapat mengkonsentrasikan hati dan menghilangkan dingin yang ada di dalam dada".

Nabi Muhammad SAW bersabda: "Allah SWT telah meletakan berkat di dalam madu dan menjadikannya sebagai ubat dari rasa nyeri, dan madu telah didoakan oleh 70 Nabi".

Dari Imam Ali, beliau berkata: "Madu adalah ubat dari segala penyakit, tiada penyakit di dalamnya, ia dapat menghilangkan lendir dan membersihkan hati".

Dari Imam Ja'far Ash-Shadiq, beliau berkata: "Rasul SAW sangat menyenangi madu".

Dari Imam Ja'far Ash-Shadiq, beliau berkata: "Biasakanlah dirimu memperoleh dua ubat iaitu meminum madu dan membaca Al-Quran".

Wallahu a'lam.

Wednesday 7 December 2011

adultery of eyes??

It moved my heart to touch on adultery points. But, before we go any further, we must first understand what adultery means itself, before we understand the context of adultery points will be explained later, InsyaAllah..


Adultery in the specific sense of sexual intercourse between men and women without a valid marriage (on purpose). Adultery in this sense will lead to hudud as stated by Allah, which means:
"Women and man a fornicator, flog each of them with 100 stripes ..."
(An-Nur: 2)
Adultery in the more general context is that any form of behavior that can increase one's desire, either through stimulation of the hands, eyes, feet, and so on. Allah says:

"And do not approach fornication, adultery was a truly impure deed and a bad way"

(Al-Isra: 32)

In the interpretation of this verse, Allah not only forbids people to commit adultery, but God also forbid people from doing things that lead a person to the commission of adultery. So the understanding of this verse, there is adultery, terms such as eyes, ears fornication, adultery, hands, feet fornication, adultery, liver and so on. Let's take a term that comes from understanding the verse. God willing we'll talk a bit about this and hopefully we can understand the more general context of adultery, God willing.

Points of adultery

Adultery points occur when one sees something illegal. Prohibitions see things can be seen from two different contexts: 
1) Illegal absolutely; \2) Originally must, but turned it illegal.

Things seen in absolute terms is illegal as stated in the Quran. Word of God:

And say to the believing women that they cast down (from the looks of illicit) and guard their chastity, and not their ornaments except what appears thereof, and let them close the neck of his shirt to cover parts of their heads and they do not show their ornaments except to their husbands or their fathers or father-in-law they or their children, or their step-daughters, or their brothers or sons of their brothers or sons of male relatives of their women, or Muslim women or their slaves or servants of those men who were older and did not intend to women and children who do not understand about women's private parts and let them not strike their feet in order to reveal what was hidden from their ornaments, and turn unto God, O believers, that ye may prosper.
(An-Nur: 31)

Based on the understanding of the foregoing sentence, a woman is forbidden to show their private parts to non-mahram (the one that can be married). In the context of this verse, we can also understand that illegal for a man to see the nakedness of a woman who is not mahram. And has been ordered to the men and women to keep their views in verse Surah An-Nur 30-31.

Allah's prohibition is enshrined in a wide scope. It should not limited to the prohibition of illicit only, also to the reality of the world. This prohibition also cover the aspects of the virtual world. In a more general scope, any matter which, when seen, can stimulate a desire, then it is categorized as adultery points.

As mentioned before, adultery points are included in the category of matters of approach someone with adultery. And the ruling is clearly illegal or HARAM, but where do they not bring a sentence of whipping.

Nevertheless we should know, any sin that we do actually need to be count by God.Whether big sins or small sins, it is not the issue. That should be our priority is to protect our eyes, ears, heart and body from stuck to the commission of acts of adultery and that can lead to adultery. Na'udzubillahi min zaalik.