Its a deep advice i've got from a jumaah sermon while im in egypt long ago, when the imam said:
اذا تراك قراء القراءن بالدقيقة، وانتم تركه بالساعة،
اذا تركه بالساعة، وانتم تركه باليوم،
اذا تركه باليوم، وانتم تركه بالشهر،
اذا تركه بالشمس، وانتم تركه بالسنة،
اذا تراكه بالسنة، وانتم تركه حتئئ الموت
"When you leave the quran from your reading for a minute, then you'll leave it for an hour,
Then if you leave it for an hour, you'll leave it for a day,
If you leave it for a day, you'll leave it for a week,
If you keave it for a week, you'll leave it for a month,
If you leave it for a month, you'll leave it for a year,
And if you leave it for a year, you'll forgot it for the whole of your life."
When i heard this, it comes to me like a lightning that pierce deep into my heart. It made me thinking, how are my day today? Have i read the quran? How many pages that i've read and how many left to read?
It just came like someone are telling me what to do, what have i forgot. Allahu, i've almost cried at the end of that He always remind us so many things, but we are always forgotten. We forgot about Him, we forgot about what we must do, forgot about the purpose that have been assign to us.
" And i did not create the jinn n mankind except to worship me" (51:56)
After that incident, i've always remind myself 'Have you read the quran today?' (Although i've always fail to do so, hehe) but i've tried. But its not to complicated if you ask your friends to help. Its a good deeds for you to remind your friends and in the same time or indirectly, its reminds you also. Plus, it will be more easier actually, to remind or help one another.
So, right now, im asking you, right now, this last sentences of mine, have you read the quran today? ^_^